Saturday 7 November 2015


The use of mars air curtains has enhanced greatly today due to cool advantages offered by them. Earlier their benefits were not recognized by people but with consistent use they have become the most demanding choice. They are used frequently by industrial and commercial sectors, even by all small and large organization to maintain a hygienic, healthy and fresh condition in the environment.

Mars air curtain helps in reducing energy cost thus cutting energy expenses and making the environment hygienic by preventing dust, insect and other pollutants entering into the rooms. Moreover at work places they bring the comfort level to a huge extent by maintaining the interior temperature at required level. It has temperature control efficiency, wind stopping capacity and is available according to heating sources options such as gas, steam and electric. Air curtains increase the safety and comfort of the employees and customers by allowing for easy, free access in and out of the building.

Protection from pest: Air curtains helps to create a healthier and comfortable work environment by reducing the infiltration of insects, dust and contaminated air that come in from outdoors. 

Ease of access: Mars air curtains allow for easy access in or out of the building. By providing a clear view through the entrance way, they reduce the risk of an employee maintaining the ultimate efficiency.

Environmental protection: Maintaining the balance in the environment air curtains provide comfort to the employees and customer. 

With the help of technology all the bad odors of fumes of different chemicals like oil, fuel and greases are not spread over all the building. The mars air curtain proves best for food service providers as it handles the insect, bugs and pest by not allowing them to get contaminated.

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